Modernise and Maximise

Looking to truly understand what cloud can mean for you? Modernise your technology by transitioning to a hybrid cloud that will maximise your business potential.

Why Modernise and Maximise?

Unlock your cloud challenges and put your business on a pathway to success. 

Is your business looking to realise the value of cloud but constrained by CapEx, regulations, and data sovereignty requirements? 

Your Business Challenges

Here are some of the key cloud challenges we hear from organisations. 

Unable to achieve cloud advantage

Traditional operating practices, conservative financial principles, and historical investments are inhibiting your business from taking advantage of innovative technology and operating models.

Cloud concerns

Your business has perceived concerns over data sovereignty, regulatory compliance, and moving from a CapEx to an OpEx-based model.

Introducing Modernise and Maximise from Six Degrees

Delivered by a highly accredited Microsoft Azure Expert MSP.

Six Degrees’ cloud services can provide a path forward to modernise and maximise your IT infrastructure through services that remove blockers, allowing you to capitalise on the capabilities and leverage the benefits of cloud. 

Rather than focusing purely on public cloud, Six Degrees dovetails on-premises UK sovereign private cloud services and Azure Stack (including Arc) with a common set of managed services to deliver a consistent customer experience, providing you with surety of direction going forward. 

Six Degrees can empower your business with the ability to leverage capabilities that you may have felt were not available to you through reliable, trustworthy cloud solutions that provide enhanced business agility. 

Our Modernise and Maximise Services

Our end-to-end cloud services enable your organisation to make decisive commitments to support business growth. 

Public Cloud

We streamline your public cloud experience, enabling you to define and execute on a robust, forward-thinking cloud strategy that brings immediate and longer term benefits.

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Public Cloud Managed Services

Six Degrees’ Public Cloud Managed Services provide a comprehensive portfolio of governance, management and reporting aligned to fluctuating requirements across your Microsoft Azure environment to deliver the appropriate level of coverage, efficiently and securely.

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Enterprise Cloud

We own and operate our Enterprise Cloud from UK data centres. Managed by SC-cleared engineers, host your sensitive data on a cloud platform where security is built in from the ground up.

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Benefits of Working with Six Degrees

Overcome your cloud challenges when you partner with Six Degrees. 

Reliable and trustworthy cloud solutions

UK data sovereignty, regulatory compliance, and working with a dependable partner.

Future-proofed with more business agility

Your business can leverage a broad range of hybrid cloud solutions to provide benefits you didn’t realise or believe were available to you without breaking your financial operating model.

Intelligence-led decision making

Six Degrees offers a comprehensive set of solutions to businesses in various stages of their infrastructure and IT asset lifecycles, based on our experience and breadth of capability to deliver the maximum value during modernisation efforts.

Why Six Degrees?

Six Degrees is best placed to deliver Cloud services to your organisation. 

Our heritage

20 plus years of secure cloud heritage and experience.

Best talent

Services delivered by experienced, highly capable engineers.

Security focus

Security from the ground up in everything we do.

Seamless multiple-platform

One ubiquitous cloud experience no matter where your data is hosted.

Modernise and Maximise Product Overview

“Our secure cloud credentials are unrivalled – that’s why organisations including central government departments and leading financial services firms trust us with their mission-critical technology.”

James Donovan Practice Director – Cloud
“Our secure cloud credentials are unrivalled – that’s why organisations including central government departments and leading financial services firms trust us with their mission-critical technology.”

Jonathan Rawling
Platform and Technology Director

We have serious credentials when it comes to delivering cloud services.

Secure cloud resources for you and your organisation.


Keeping Your Cloud Clean Sheet

Keeping Your Cloud Clean Sheet They say that defences win titles, and the very best ... Read more

Defining Your Cloud Game Plan Infographic

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Customer stories

ParentPay Microsoft CSP

ParentPay ParentPay enhances its Microsoft relationship and gains access to cost efficiencies by partnering with ... Read more

Interested in talking to one of our professionals?

Get in touch today and learn how we can protect your organisation and help you thrive in the cloud on secure platforms that will allow you to innovate and grow.