Direct Your Business

Direct your business towards a cost-effective security posture that delivers tangible business value.

Why Direct Your Business?

It’s never been more important to take a proactive approach to protecting your business. 

Is your business lacking direction in its cyber security and risk programmes? 

Your Cyber Security Challenges

Here are some of the key cyber security challenges we hear from organisations. 

Dynamic threat landscape

Unable to gain a complete picture on the most proportionate strategy to retain and improve your security posture, due to the dynamic nature of the threat and regulatory landscape.

Budget and compliance challenges

Struggling to distil, analyse, and have surety of direction on security planning with constrained budgets and compliance obligations.

Introducing Direct Your Business from Six Degrees

Over 20 years of cyber security heritage. 

Six Degrees offers a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service which gives your business clear cyber security business direction through access to board-level cyber security expertise on an on-demand basis.  

The vCISO service offers expert leadership in cyber security without the cost of a full-time executive hire. You will gain access to a seasoned professional who understands both business and technology, bringing strategic guidance, risk management, regulatory compliance expertise, and a security strategy tailored to your business objectives. 

Six Degrees can also enhance your decision-making capabilities through the additional provision of Information Security Managers, providing expert leadership in cyber security without the cost of a full-time executive hire.  

Your Information Security Manager will enhance your security management capabilities and navigate the complexities of information security, offering specialised guidance in risk management, policy development, security operations, security project management, and security incident response. 

Our Direct Your Business Services

Our end-to-end cyber security services enable your organisation to outsource all or part of its cyber security function. 


Access a dedicated, named CISO resource who will provide leadership that will enhance your organisation’s cyber security posture.

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Information Security Manager

Access dedicated expertise and operational support in managing information security risks.

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Benefits of Working with Six Degrees

Overcome your cyber security challenges when you partner with Six Degrees. 

Interim CISO

Lowers your exposure when you lack a permanent CISO.

Reasonable and proportional security controls de-risk against breaches

Confidence that security investments and decisions are being prioritised appropriately to provide a proportionate risk tolerance and security posture.

Enable the security objectives of your business

Board level engagement and communication to ensure objectives are delivered to and challenged where appropriate.

Why Six Degrees?

Six Degrees is best placed to deliver intelligence-led security services to your organisation. 

Our heritage

20 plus years of cyber security heritage and experience.

Best talent

HMG cleared, UK-based Analysts.

Industry credentials

CHECK, CREST and Cyber Scheme certified.

Tailored services

Tailored services that suit your organisational requirements.

Download the Direct Your Business Product Overview

“We’re committed to enabling our customers to enhance their cyber security postures and protect themselves in today’s hostile digital landscape.”

Marcus Jeffes Product Manager

We have serious credentials when it comes to delivering cyber security services.

Cyber security resources for you and your organisation.


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