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Public Technology Annual Conference Live

EVENT DATES: 23rd – 24th March 2021
DATE and TIME of our panel: 23rd March at 11:30am

Six Degrees is sponsoring PublicTechnology Live, where public sector digital, data and IT professionals meet to advance tech transformation, from strategy to implementation.

Following a period of rapid innovation, collaboration and digitisation, March 2021 will be a critical opportunity for the sector to pause, rethink and recalibrate. Across 2 conference days the event will explore how the pandemic will have irrevocably shaped the approach to digital transformation for the longer term.

Speakers representing a wide range of public sector organisations will be share their lessons learned from an unprecedented year, review the new work practices that have been adopted through necessity – and what should be kept as part of a new normal, as well as revisit key trends in the sector and evaluate the priorities for the year ahead.

Join us on the panel on Tuesday 23rd March at 11.30am.